Helping Governement Help America

Deionna Brock Richardson- Chief Executive Officer

Deionna Richardson was born and raised in the New Orleans, LA area. She worked in upper management at WalMart for 20 years before starting Brock Development. One of her reasons for starting the company stemmed from the fact that she personnally felt the devastation of hurricane as her home was completely submereged under 14ft. of water. It;s been since rebuilt but she has never forgotten the feeling. It is for this reason she now dedicates her life and her business to helping others in emergency situations. Brock Development has helped thousands of individuals and families try and clear the debris and memories of these Gulf Coast storms.

Troy D. Jeanmard- Chief Financial Officer

Troy D. Jeanmard is a respected business man in the Houston, Tx area and has been for almost 10 years. His career started as an IT Professional holding the Microsoft Certified Professional certification. As technology converged he then moved to telecommunications with an emphasis on VoIP. He then moved to real estate where he has brokered, developed, and lent millions dollars in real estate transactions. He was bought aboard at to Brock development for ability to integrate IT and real estate with Brock's existing emergency management program. The result is what you're reading and there is a lot more to come.